Damp Proofing Explained

If you notice rising damp occurring in your home you should immediately call in the professionals.

Rising damp can cause immense structural damage to your space and comes with expensive and sometimes life threatening consequences.

Rising damp or moisture in the home or any structure can occur for various reasons. Some being that an existing damp proofing course was not taken in the building of said structure, while in some cases the raising of external ground can cause such damage.

Once dampness gets into the structure of your home or commercial space it can cause deterioration to the aesthetic of the building, causing damage to the plaster, paint, wallpaper, wood… the list goes on.

Not only will this harm your space aesthetically, it can also cause some serious health risks to those that inhabit or work in the space. Rising damp can lead to rotting wood, rusting steel and create extremely toxic air born moulds that can cause respiratory illness and fuel asthma attacks. To put it simply, rising damp will very easily pollute your indoor air and cause you and your family innumerable consequences. Therefore one must always make sure that their home or space is fitted with damp proofing.

Damp proofing is a type of waterproofing that is applied to your structures foundation and your structures walls to prevent any dampness or water getting into the building or home. With damp proofing you prevent any moisture from causing damage to your interior and most importantly, from causing damage to your health and the health of your loved ones.  There are 2 types of damp proofing that one should know about. There is DPC, which stands for Damp Proofing Course and there is DPM, which stands for Damp Proofing Membrane.

DPC is a horizontal barrier that is placed in a wall to stop moisture from seeping through the structure while DPM serves a similar function to the floor of a home or building.

Damp proofing experts should always be called in to see to the problem as they are trained in multiple techniques to resolve your specific issue with efficiency and professionalism. Rising damp should not be taken lightly and should be seen to immediately, the consequences are too big to ignore.

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