Benefits Of Damp Proofing

Brick and mortar buildings should be built with damp course at the foundation base just below ground level. This is to prevent any water seepage into the structure either from below the ground or above such as excessive rains. In very old buildings damp course can deteriorate and damp proofing treatment needs to be done as a necessity.

Damp proofing properly in a building is an absolute necessity; failure to attend to it can result in rising damp. To begin with walls start to powder and crumble, the actual structure becomes weak. In appearance paint work has a blistered type look, once touched you will see a powdery substance on your fingers. If the problem is left, to repair the damp walls can run into many, many thousands of rands. Parts of the building such as skirting’s and wooden beams will also become affected. It also causes massive inconvenience within the home, not to mention high risk of illness. The earlier you resolve the problem the less expensive it will be. Damp in buildings can be Devilish to get rid of and cure. It’s essential that it be done correctly.

Living in a building with damp and mould will result in a nasty health environment. People can develop nasty illnesses that they don’t always relate to the dampness. Asthma, headaches, bronchitis are a few of the illnesses that come about as a result of damp.

Unfortunately, there are buildings today that are built in “seconds” and in attempts to cut costs proper damp course is not provided. Some would have you believe that the builder simply forgot about this important part of the foundation. The practice of doing damp course has been around hundreds of years, although not quite as it is today. This results in serious damp damage in a very short period of perhaps a year or more.

Damp treatment is a rather specialized practice. It should be undertaken by a damp proofing specialist who understands damp repair. Those who try the DIY way will invariably end up having to eventually call the professional.