How To Water Proof Your Roof

Damp proofing a roof whether it’s the flat cement or slanted tiled roof is not for the faint hearted or those short on budget. It’s a job that has got to be done properly or it will be a complete waste of money, time and effort. Failure to look after your roof will result, over time in damp walls

Are you going to be doing a full on damp treatment for your roof or is it a case of a couple of leaks that need to be attended to. For small jobs, the average man in the street can probably attend to with a good ladder and hardware store advice. For full scale damp roof repair preferably damp proofing specialists should ideally be consulted.

  1. Choose a rain free period before beginning and follow these steps towards a successful outcome. If you have specific leaks showing inside orientate yourself with the outside, using a landmark outside like a telegraph pole to point you toward the damaged section, it’s a lot easier to locate problems above.
  2. Do a full inspection of the roof from on top. Check for anything such as lifted broken tiles or lifted roof screws pending on the type of roof you have. Check thoroughly around flashing at chimneys and roof peaks. Anything that looks as though wind could drive rain through should be dealt with. Problem areas could be as small as or smaller than a nail head size.
  3. Attack your local hardware store with your findings, preferably with photos and pick their brains. Roof tiles may need replacing, check on the underside of an existing tile for the style name type. It’s possible it’s not made anymore.
  4. Armed with tools and materials read instructions carefully. It is vital that your roof is as clean as possible otherwise the materials will not stick.
  5. It is important that you take necessary precautions against sun burn, wear a hat and keep your liquid intake up sufficiently.
  6. Allow sufficient drying time for the interior before repairing or painting ceilings.